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Weekend with New, silent Family Constellations
Silent Constellations with singles and couples, parents and children – about conflict, reconciliation and happiness – for health and success in life and business
„Constellations in Silence“ identify in a gentle way the root of many problems. They open a space where what is hidden in can show and speak. In deep silence we follow a movement from beyond and are guided with love.
When the hidden dynamics behind life and relations, profession and business come to light we find ourselves in a new clarity and regain power.
Through movements that include what has been excluded – in our heart, our soul and our body – we re-member our forgotten and excluded ones and overcome what has separated us.
Silent constellations help us to complete what has been uncompleted, to take farewell and let go what belongs to the past and end many conflicts. Reconciliation and healing on many levels can start. A deep and wide love takes over and we stop to judge. Our heart opens for everybody as he or she is, for ourselves as we are and for our life as it is.
Constellations are an effective tool not only for private life. In the field of work and business they help to look beyond „hard facts“ and „numbers“ and recognize blind spots. In the field of court and justice a court case sometimes can be avoided, when a conflict shows its hidden dynamic.
… studied pedagogic, psychology and sociology (diploma in educational sciences). He started his studies in family constellation in 1988 as one of the early students of Bert Hellinger. In 1992 he did his first constellations at his own institute „Taunus-Institut für Systemaufstellungen“. He still sees himself as a student of Bert Hellinger in an infinite learning and initiation.
He also learned and worked together with Jakob Schneider and studied for 4 years organizational constellations with Dr. Gunthard Weber. 1999 to 2002 he organized three one-week-trainings in „Somatic Experince“ for facilitators of family constellations with Peter Levine, which had a deep influence on many constellators.
1997 a close collaboration with Bert Hellinger started. Gerhard Walper organized about 15 big workshops with Bert Hellinger (about trauma, health, supervision, social work, new family constellations, orders of success and leadership) in Germany. From 2006 to 2020 Bert and Sophie Hellinger engaged him as a Hellinger®sciencia-trainer in their own diploma-trainings in Europe, later in Brazil and China and he became one of the leading teachers, supervisors and trainers worldwide.
He was teaching at Jean Monnet University/Brussels (2007 to 2020) and he influencesd the curriculum of trainings for New Family Constellations and its development. In the last years he initiated the specialization trainings „Constellations for Success and Leadership at Work, in Companies and in Organizations“ in Milano, „Constellation Work for Social Focal Points/Milano“ and „Systemic Law – New Family Constellations in the Field of Justice“ in Sao Paulo for judges, lawyers, psychological and sociological experts at the courts all over Brazil, an officially acknowledged training.
He is offering trainings in both languages, German and English, in many European countries. In Poland he started in 2006 his own training „New, silent Family Constellations and offers a 5-day module every two months. He was a speaker on congresses and at the International Hellinger-Camps in Germany.