
NEU: Jetzt auch per LIVE-STREAMING

Headergrafik Steinreihe mit Seerose
  • Aufstellungen in der Stille die Tiefe gehend … über Worte hinaus
  • Leichtigkeit und Lebensfreudein Partnerschaft, Familie, Beruf
  • Für Eltern und ihre auffälligen Kinderbei Überforderung, Sucht, seelischen Krisen ...
  • Mit Mut und Weitsicht zum ErfolgStilles Familienstellen für Unternehmen und Beruf


Health, success and happiness in work and family life

Welcome to in person participation or via livestream in all workshops with English interpretation Please ask directly for further informations:

– How „Familyconstellation Today“ can help us to live a good and healthy life, carried and inspired by love –

Foto Deichweg

– What ties us to failure, misfortune or illness?

– And how do we become free for a full, healthy and successful life?

– What stands in the way of reconciliation in the family or in a couple, a deeper happiness that leaves the past behind?

Silent Family Constellations lead in a quiet and collected way to the deeper causes of many problems.

Inner bonds with family members that burden our lives, our relationships and our children, and that lead to conflicts and failure at work, come to light in surprising, sometimes dramatic ways.

Led by forces beyond us, the „movements of the spirit“ (Bert Hellinger), we gain deeper insights into how life and career can be successful for us. We are taken along into another, universal consciousness and into a life without devaluation and exclusion. We open ourselves to a more comprehensive love and a deeper happiness.

This brings many conflicts to a conclusion and what has passed may finally be over. Freed from old chains, new strength awakens in us for the challenges of life. Joy and confidence take hold of our soul and we find our way back to full love, full health and full happiness.

Costs full workshop (2 days):
220,00 EUR (Sat 9am to 6pm + Sun 9am to 3.30pm)

Costs single day workshop:
150,00 EUR (just possible on Sat 9am to 6pm)
